Why I Don't Answer Unscheduled Calls

Pre-scheduled calls are better for you and better for your clients.

Why I Don't Answer Unscheduled Calls

I used to have my phone on all the time. What if a potential client called and I didn't answer? Or what if an existing client called and I wasn't available to help them?

In my mind, I needed to be available to clients and potential clients at all times.

But in reality, I didn't. Clients didn't expect me to answer their calls at all times, every time. and if they did, I probably shouldn't have been working with them.

These days, I don't have a phone number on my website at all. And I don't answer unscheduled calls (unless it's a friend or family member).  

Most of the time my phone is on silent because if I'm not on a call with a client, then I've got my head down in work. But even if I do see a call come in, I just let it go to voicemail. If the caller leaves a message, then I can call back knowing what the call is about. If they don't, I can message them asking why they called and arrange a time for us to speak.

I prefer people to schedule calls if they want to speak to me. It's not because I'm being difficult. It's because a scheduled call will be more beneficial for both of us. 

We can set a time that's convenient for us both. We can determine what the call is about. And we can make sure we are prepared for the call.

Unscheduled calls can catch you off guard

It seems obvious now, but it's a stupid idea to take phone calls when you're out and about away from work (like when you're in the supermarket or right before you're heading into a meeting).  

If you take that call and it's a potential client, you won't be able to concentrate properly.  You won't be in the right frame of mind. You won't have the information you need to hand. And you might not give the best answers to their questions. 

But even if you're at your desk, it's still not a good idea to take calls from unknown numbers. If it is a potential client, you won't be prepared for that call.

It's much better for you and your potential client if the call is scheduled. If you get people to book a call, you can ask some questions beforehand.  You can get a bit of detail about the client so you are prepared for the call. You can have a quick look at their website so you know a little bit about them.

And you'll go into that call in a much better place than if you just answer the call and get caught off guard. You'll have done your preparation and will feel a bit more confident. It will be a better experience for the potential client and you'll be more likely to impress them.   

Client calls can catch you off guard too

It's not just calls from prospects that can catch you off guard. Calls from existing clients don't always go as you'd expect. You might think they're calling about one thing and it can be something completely different. 

And if you're in the middle of something else, the call will just distract you. Or the caller might say something that makes you anxious, stressed, frustrated, or angry. You'll lose focus on whatever you're working on and that could negatively impact another client.

It's much better to call them back when it won't impact other work and you can give them your full attention.

And that's why I  don't take any unscheduled calls anymore. I don't answer my phone unless someone has told me they're going to call, or we've arranged a time to have a call, or they've booked a call through Calendly. 

That way I'm prepared, I'm in the right headspace, I feel confident with the call, and I'm not caught off guard. The client gets my full attention and a much better service.

So if you're constantly being distracted or caught off guard with calls, try changing the way you work. And if you need help with that, book 90 minutes with me and I'll help you implement new processes to help you.

Starter Session - Lisa Slater
Let’s find out what’s holding you back so you can start attracting more of the clients you want and building a business that makes you happy.